Profession Hitting Instruction, Improve Your Swing | MLB Coach - Ralph Dickenson

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Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness

Easily the key to consistent success, the key mental skill that separates the top players from others

  • Points to an awareness that mental adjustments and attitude change lead to physical change.
  • Helps the player understand what he can control and how to focus on those things without worrying about things out of his control.
  • The crux of mental toughness is taking responsibility for one’s own actions
  • Gives the player confidence to make adjustments to prosper
  • Every player must make adjustments to succeed and improve. Once he has succeeded he must keep making adjustments to continue succeeding. Improvement is a product of change.
  • Making adjustments is not simply keeping up or staying ahead, it’s about reaching potential.
  • Separates those who want to win from those who are willing to prepare to win
  • Causes players to show up for work daily and be prepared to do all that is possible to win on any given day
  • Sets players up to play better longer. Causes hitters to grind and compete pitch by pitch
  • Encourages hitters to take two strike hitting personally
  • Leads to an increase in QAB’s 
  • Helps players to understand that failure is an education. It tells you that when something isn’t working it is time to change and that present issues will not simply go away.
  • Baseball is a game of constant adjustments, one never has it figured out
  • Allows players to evaluate their performance compared to their potential. If underperforming to seek out researched, proven techniques and incorporate them into their game
  • Causes players to bypass the stupidity game of doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results
  • Opens the mind to allow the player to take instruction from anyone offering proven information.
  • Creates an attitude of continual learning where the player wants to improve, wants to know more and realizes that when he becomes a learner that adjustments become easier.
  • Gives the player confidence to accept responsibility for their actions thereby becoming personally accountable for their success or failure.
  • Points out that making excuses can become a barrier to making adjustments.
  • Know that to repeat success it is necessary to repeat preparation.
  • Allows players to guard against becoming complacent understanding that nothing stays the same, adjustments are always on the horizon. The best are always looking for ways to improve.
  • It is that good enough is never good enough
  • It causes players to compete to the final pitch of the game expecting to win no matter what.
  • It is an aire that is apparent to others that you are here to win and will keep the pressure on every pitch.
  • It creates an anxiety level in the other dugout because they know you are never done.
  • It allows intimidation through focus and effort pitch by pitch