Developing Hitters

Developing Hitters

Physical talent is good but it is not a guarantee of hitting prowess. Having a good swing and being a good hitter are different birds. A good swing is definitely part of being a good hitter but there are many other equally important facets. The following list is not comprehensive but does include most areas involved in the hitting game. It is ever evolving yet always helpful.

  • Mental Toughness
  • Patiently aggressive approach
  • Vision
  • Hitter’s checklist
  • Swing mechanics
  • Situational hitting,2K hitting
  • General numbers/advanced stats
  • Machines
  • Drills
Ralph Dickenson

40+ years of coaching experience dealing with hitting ideas from Charley Lau, Walt Hriniak, Ted Williams to science backed lower half driven sequential swings as demonstrated by the best hitters in the game past and present. I have coached at levels from American Legion to MLB and currently work as a hitting instructor for the Houston Astros.

Hitters Checklist


Mental Toughness