Profession Hitting Instruction, Improve Your Swing | MLB Coach - Ralph Dickenson

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Numbers / General Topics


  • Launch angles 8-12 degrees at 90 mph exit velocity = line drives for 90% basehits. 12-15 degrees at less than 90 mph = generally fall for hits. 23-35 degrees at 90 mph exit velocity= HR’s
  • Line drives yield the best OPS followed by fly balls and then grounders
  • 12 degree launch angle with 80 mph exit velocity produces 80% basehits
  • Most balls hit at less than 60 mph exit velocity remain in the infield with a few rolling into the outfield
  • Launch angles of 30 degrees will result in 20% HR’s
  • Average MLB four seam fastball 93 mph
  • Average MLB 2 seam fastball 91 mph
  • Average MLB slider 84 mph
  • Average MLB changeup 83-84 mph
  • Average MLB RHP CB 78 mph
  • Every increase in one MPH in bat speed = 8’ more distance of ball flight
  • Bat speed is measured at the barrel in MPH- 75-80 is good
  • Bat quickness is measured from launch to contact .16/100is good
  • Keep head movement on the swing to less than 5”
  • The kinetic link disassociation measurement refers to the degrees the lower half leads the upper 25 degrees is average
  • QAB = hard hit out, 7 pitch out, hit, BB, HBP, situational execution
  • There are about 54 locations in the strikezone
  • 90 mph fastballs lose velocity at one mph per seven feet and drop three feet on the way to the plate
  • The average MLB exit velocity on a fastball is 88, off speed 85
  • MLB hitters batted ball percentages-line drives 21%, groundballs 44%, fly balls 35%, pop ups in the infield 11%
  • An increase of one MPH in bat speed will lead to an additional eight feet in distance
  • Most MLB hitters have a launch angle close to 13 degrees
  • 17% of MLB pitchers average less than 90 mph
  • Bat speed is roughly 6X more important to exit velocity than pitch velocity
  • 35% of all the balls put in play go up the middle
  • 2016 MLB stats: avg-.257, OBP .328, K 20.9%, BB 8.7%
  • 25 degree launch angle at 95 mph exit velocity = HR