Profession Hitting Instruction, Improve Your Swing | MLB Coach - Ralph Dickenson

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Sensible Thoughts: Creating Bat Speed, Bat Path and Quickness

Sensible Thoughts

Rotational swings based on the scientifically backed Kinetic Link Principle are the most effective and efficient in the game. The KLP says that angular velocity is transferred from the largest muscle groups (proximal) to the smallest (distal). The order begins with the legs up through the glutes, core, shoulders, arms, hands, bat. Each muscle group achieves its highest rotational velocity and the next group takes over working in order up the body. No single muscle group is more important than the next. The body has to be strong from the start to the finish.

Hitters should be on a strength, flexibility, quickness development program designed to develop the body with the KLP in mind. Gone are the days of curls and bench presses. Consult a certified strength and conditioning coach, begin a program designed to eliminate any physical weaknesses.